Mats Rosengren – Tuesday, November 7, 2017 A new understanding of knowledge – doxology as a rhetorical epistemology. Despite the intense debates, concerning the question of what knowledge is or can be, in the human- and social sciences over the last decades, we still have not seen a deep-going investigation of the possibilities opened up by epistemological and social constructivism. It may seem as if we are facing a double either/or-situation: Either we accept the traditional, classical notion of Knowledge as true, justified belief, or we have to commit to total relativism in epistemic matters. Or, the inverted version: either we accept that all we think we know is actually only habit and human, arbitrary construction or creation, or we commit to the classical, universalistic notions of Knowledge, Truths and Facts. Patrik Mehrens- Wednesday November 8, 2017 The Rhetoric of Narrative Film - Movies as a Way to Understand Contemporary Media Communication Film has often been described as a markedly rhetorical medium, especially because of its appeal to emotion and its multi-channel mode of communication. In this lecture, I will briefly outline three rhetorical dimensions of narrative film: cinematic projections of rhetoric, cinematic thematizations of rhetoric, and cinematic utilizations of rhetoric, with special attention to the latter. Particular focus will be given to the use of dramatic irony as one important rhetorical device in cinematic narration. Dramatic irony, i.e. the projection of ignorant characters on stage and in film, has traditionally been connected with strong emotional effects on the audience.
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