Research policy

Section 1. Background and Purpose

Section 2. Definitions

Section 3. Scope of the Policy

Section 4. Legal Issues concerning the Status of Researchers/ Inventors/Innovators/Creators

Section 5. External Sponsorship and Research Collaboration with Third Parties

Section 6. Ownership of Intellectual Property

  1. The day-to- day management of the finances of the Unit shall be under the control of the Director of the Consultancy Unit.
  2. The Director shall sign all cheques which shall be counter-signed by the Vice- Chancellor/Pro-Vice Chancellor/Director of Finance (i.e. any of these).
  3. The Consultancy Unit shall, in addition to local account, operate a foreign account with a local bank into which foreign currency shall be paid.
  4. The Vice-Chancellor shall be a mandatory signatory to the foreign account.
  1. Budget for consultancy projects shall reflect the current market cost for transportation, office space, computer facilities, equipment, accommodation and other project items such as the use of University facilities and services payment to personnel involved in consultancy which shall include night, transport and field allowances as well as other cost associated with the project.
  2. For providing the support for general consultancy project, a fee of 5% of the personnel cost of the project shall be payable to the University by the Consultant.
  1. All staff members /Faculties/Schools/Institutes/Departments/Sections/Units in the service of the University of Cape Coast who want to undertake consultancy shall inform the Vice-Chancellor through the Consultancy Unit.
  2. Clearance forms shall be collected from the Consultancy Unit for completion by Individuals/Faculties/Departments/Centres/Sections/Units that intend to undertake a particular consultancy project for endorsement before commencement.

Two types of consultancy are recognised under this policy viz; General and University consultancies.

General Consultancy

It is where Staff Member/Faculty/School/Institute/Department/Section/Unit:

  1. Initiates the consultancy;
  2. Takes the role of a Principal Consultant; and
  3. Provides professional services through the University to external party for a fee or other consideration.

University Consultancy

This is where the Consultancy Unit plays the role of Principal Consultant and charges full cost.

  1. There shall be an Advisory Board of seven members, including the Director, which shall be responsible for overall control of the activities of the Unit, including financial administration in line with the financial administration of the University.
  2. The Vice-Chancellor or his/her representative shall be the Chairperson of the Consultancy Advisory Board.
  3. The Director of the Consultancy Unit shall be responsible for the day to day administration of the consultancy activities of the Unit.
