The University Teachers Association of Ghana (UTAG), University of Cape Coast Chapter is scheduled to hold a Symposium on the theme "Building a Knowledge based Economy: The Role of the University Lecturer".
The Symposium will be held on a ZOOM on Friday, 23rd July, 2021 at 10:00AM GMT
The event will be chaired by Prof. Johnson Nyarko Boampong, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cape Coast.
Hon. Yaw Osei Adutwum, Minister for Education will speak on Sub Theme 1 - Educational Policies and National Planning in Building a Knowledge-Based Economy: The Role of Government and its Institutions".
Prof. Denis Worlanyo Aheto, Director, Centre for Coastal Manamegent, University of Cape Coast, will speak on Sub Theme 2: Contribution of Teaching, Research and Community Service/Consultancy in Building a Knowledge Based Economy: The Role of the University Lecturer".
The Zoom credentials for the meeting are:
MEETING ID: 951 1314 0080
PASSCODE: 459231
All are cordially invided