The Department of History of the University of Cape Coast has won a five-year project from the Norwegian Partnership Programme for Global Academic Cooperation (NORPART) to facilitate faculty and graduate student exchanges. The project, which commences from 2017 to 2021,will provide support for academic partnerships and student mobility with an emphasis on Master and PhD level between higher education institutions in Norway and others selected from developing countries. With financial support from the Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education, the project will also include the design of new graduate programmes and organisation of conferences and workshops. Other partner institutions for the project are Department of Historical Studies, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) Trondheim, Norway; Department of Archeology and Heritage Studies, University of Ghana; Department History Education, University of Education, Winneba. Through the NORPART project, the partner institutions will work to improve the quality of programmes in their respective Universities by using innovative ways of enhancing the intercultural and digital competence of participating students to make them employable assets for both the public and private sectors of their respective countries and internationally.