All fresh and continuing students of the University of Cape Coast and the general public are to take note of the following arrangements for the re-opening of the University for the 2016/2017 Academic Year:


(a) Fresh Students Report : Saturday, 13th August, 2016

(b) Orientation for Fresh Students : Monday, 15th August, 2016 - Friday, 19th August, 2016

(c) Online Registration of Courses by

Background The Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Cape Coast has been organizing Microfinance Conference since 2006. The conference has been attracting local and international participants from the industry, academia and Development Partner Institutions. The 9th in series of the Conference under the theme: The future of Microfinance: Sustainability of Microfinance Institutions and Financial Inclusion is scheduled for 9th and 10th February, 2017 at the University of Cape Coast.

In late 2014, the Universities of Ghana and Cape Coast sought the assistance of the International Association of Universities (IAU) to enable them review their internationalization strategies. In response to the request, IAU through its Internationalization Strategies Advisory Services (ISAS) set up a four-member expert panel to assist the two institutions. The main objective of the process was to help the two universities develop strategies to strengthen their internationalisation policies and programmes.

Please click below for the report of the Steering Committee.


The University of Cape Coast (UCC) in collaboration with The Institute of Charted Accountants, Ghana (ICAG), is looking for an experienced, results-oriented and motivated individual for the position of CHAIR OF ACCOUNTANCY.  The successful candidate is expected to provide professional, research advice and mentorship to promote UCC and ICAG.

It is announced for the information of 2014/2015 Graduands of the College of Distance Education (CoDE) and the Institute of Education of the University of Cape Coast as well as the general public that, the 6th-13th Sessions of the 48th congregation for the degrees and diplomas to persons who completed their programs of study in the aforementioned academic year will be held at the New Examination Centre (NEC) as follows:

It is announced for the information of prospective students and the general public that the Selection Examinations and Interviews for the various Sandwich Programmes are Scheduled as follows:
i. Certificate Course in Early Childhood Education
    Wednesday, 30th March 2016. To be followed by interview on the same day

ii. Diploma Course in Early Childhood Education
  Wednesday, 6th April 2016. To be followed by interview on the same day
