In 2013, the Central Regional Hospital at Cape Coast was upgraded to a Teaching Hospital status. Since then the region has been without a regional hospital facility to provide the necessary secondary and referral services and maintain the continuum of care. To reconnect the continuum of health care services, the Regional Health Management Team (RHMT), in 2015 commissioned a technical team to asses and recommend the most suitable of four facilities in the region to serve as the interim regional hospital. These are,
The Cape Coast Metro Hospital at Cape Coast

The Vice-Chancellor has granted approval of a request made by the Provost of College of Health and Allied Sciences, UCC, for the transfer of the clinical services of the Department of Optometry to the University Health Services, in line with the new collaboration between the University Health Services, the College of Health And Allied Sciences (CoHAS) and the School of Medical Sciences (SMS).

We kindly inform our staff and cherished clients that the Hospital is commencing an ANAESTHESIA CLINIC for clients scheduled for elective surgery on every Monday, within the time; 8:00am-12:00noon, at the ECG room. The following is the full schedule for the clinic for 2016.  MONTH           ANAESTHETIST AT THE CLINIC MARCH              MR. ALEX AFRIFA DARTEH APRIL                MR. EUGENE ANTWI BOASIAKO MAY                   MR. SETH N. YEBOAH JUNE                 MR. ALEX AFRIFA DARTEH

The Documentation and Information Section is about to request for the production of the University Cape Coast 2017 Diaries and Wall Calendars. In order to meet the needs of colleges, faculties, schools, directorates, institutes, departments, sections and units, you are kindly requested to submit the required quantities of desk diaries and wall calendars for your outfit to the Junior Assistant Registrar, Documentation and Information Section by Friday, April 8, 2016.

Applications are invited from suitably qualified persons (Ghanaian and foreign) for admission into the 3-Year Bachelor of Laws (LLB) degree programme of the University of Cape Coast for the 2016/2017 academic year. Applicants are to note that the programme is strictly fee-paying.


The Tertiary Education Scholarship Trust (TEST) is calling for applications and renewal of scholarship awards for the 2016/17 academic year. The scholarship scheme offers both full and partial scholarships to bright but needy students in Ghana to enable them attain tertiary education. The following are the deadlines for application:
a) Tuesday 30th June 2016, for first time applicants (continuing students) and renewal of existing scholarship awards
b) Monday 31st August 2016, for first year students (freshers)
