SALE OF APPLICATION FORMS FOR 2016/ 2017 ACADEMIC YEAR   The College of Distance Education, University of Cape Coast wishes to inform the general public, especially basic school teachers, clerks, secretarial and accounting personnel in the civil/public service, commerce and industry, that Application Forms for admission to the University of Cape Coast by Distance Learning for the 2016/2017 Academic Year is on sale from 7th December, 2015 to 4th March, 2016.  

The Directorate of University Health Services (DUHS); in collaboration with the  Management of the ATL FM, has rolled out radio talk programmes on ATL FM to educate the University Community on health issues. The radio programmes include daily health tit-bits and weekly health talks on selected health issues, which are presented by Medical Officers and other health Professionals from the DUHS.
Daily Health Tit-bits:     Monday-Friday between 6:50am-6:55am
Weekly Health Talk:      Tuesday between 9:30am-9:50am

All persons who wrote the just ended West African  Secondary School Certificate Examinations (WASSCE) and are awaiting results are hereby informed that application for admission into undergraduate programmes of the University of Cape Coast for the 2016/2017 academic year has been extended to 15th July, 2016.

All persons who wrote the just ended West African  Secondary School Certificate Examinations (WASSCE) and are awaiting results are hereby informed that application for admission into undergraduate programmes of the University of Cape Coast for the 2016/2017 academic year has been extended to 15th July, 2016.

USAID/UCC Fisheries and Coastal Management  Capacity Building Support Project

Call for Proposals for Short-Term Technical Assistance Towards the Operationalization of the Centre for Coastal Management (CCM) at the University of Cape Coast, Ghana


Sale of tender document for the supply of buses, mowers and electrical cables.
CR/UCC/GD/0038/2015 supply of 15 seater buses  CR/UCC/GD/0117/2015 supply of electrical cables CR/UCC/GD/0116/2015 supply of lawn and industrial mowers
For details kindly refer to the Daily Graphic, Monday 11 January 2016 edition.

Sale of tender document for the supply of buses, mowers and electrical cables.

CR/UCC/GD/0038/2015 supply of 15 seater buses 
CR/UCC/GD/0117/2015 supply of electrical cables
CR/UCC/GD/0116/2015 supply of lawn and industrial mowers

For details kindly refer to the Daily Graphic, Monday 11 January 2016 edition.
